Friday, February 22, 2008

Ashton Tasting March 27th 3-7pm

Ashton and The Cigar Factory Outlet presents the Tasting of The Ashton Aged Maduro!!! This event is a ticket event and is limited to 50 smokers so please act fast on letting me know if you would like to attend! The cost of the ticket is $10.00 and that can be reimbursed in Ashton product the day of the event. You will recieve a free cigar just for showing up also we will be tasting Knob Creek Bourbon, Donnelly Gourmet Dark Chocolates, Unsalted Almonds and Walnuts. This is an exclusive event and will be a great time. So stop in as soon as possible and drop off the $10.00 to insure your spot at this rare event! Please email me if you have any further questions. Be sure to check out my first of many cigar reviews by hitting play below.

1 comment:

Cigar Factory Outlet said...
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